Why the Local Business Emphasis?

local business transactionWhile the Simple 1-Page Case Study method is a smart strategy, period, I prefer working with local business owners rather than people who market nationally.

Why? Doesn’t ANY company benefit from proving to prospective customers that they solve real-world problems?

Yes, probably so, but what I do is tailored specifically towards smaller businesses whose clients are found in specific geographic locations – cities, maybe states – not larger companies. Here’s what I mean.

Key benefits to using simple case studies for LOCAL businesses

  • They lower advertising costs:
    Local businesses often have limited marketing budgets and need to make the most of their advertising dollars. By using highly effective strategies that can be repurposed in multiple marketing channels (such as social media, email campaigns, and website content), you can get more value out of your investment. And simpler, focused studies don’t cost as much as large, complicated studies.
  • They reduce the need for large marketing teams:
    Related to the above, many local business owners are wearing many hats and don’t have the budget to hire marketing staff. Simple 1-page case studies, the way I build them, function as Content Marketing, SEO, and CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) tactics.
  • They are tailor-made to show up in local search:
    These case studies are crafted with location data, such as city names, neighborhoods, counties, street addresses, that make it super-clear to Google that THIS page should rank for specific local searches. They also allow a company to address the unique challenges and conditions of living in a particular town, which is not easily done when marketing nationally.
  • They magnify personal relationships:
    Local businesses rely heavily on word-of-mouth referrals and positive reviews to attract new customers. However, potential customers are often skeptical and may require more than just recommendations from friends and family to choose a business. They want evidence. When a lot of money is at stake, a few good reviews or testimonials may not be enough.
  • They also neutralize personal relationships:
    Many consumers have personal relationships with people who work at local businesses, which can sometimes influence their purchasing decisions. This is especially true when a smaller, newer company competes against a larger company with more employees. By providing concrete examples of how your product or service has helped others in your area, these case studies provide a neutral way to showcase your expertise and build trust beyond personal relationships.
  • Your competitors aren’t using them:
    And I do not promote local competitors for a particular service. I will promote ONE roofing service, ONE deck builder, ONE collision repair expert, etc, per local area.

I understand unique needs of local businesses and am committed to providing you with targeted, effective case studies that help you stand out from the competition and win the trust of potential customers. Contact me today to learn more about my service and how I can help your business grow.